Global Seminar Programs


Seminars with extended application deadline of Tuesday January 28 at 11:59pm

Course Code
Program Title
Faculty offering course     
GMST 424
(3 credits)
Multicultural Vienna – Mutikulti WienFaculty of ArtsArts Research Abroad (50%-100% of program fee covered for qualifying students)
EDCP 407 or 585
(3 credits)
Walking with Public Art: Immersive Learning as Public ScholarsFaculty of Education$1000 Go Global Award
ChinaCONS 488
(6 credits)
Contemporary Forestry and ConservationFaculty of Forestry$1000 Go Global Award
SPAN 203
(3 credits)
Spanish Language in the GalapagosFaculty of Arts$1000 Go Global Award
LFS 302B
(6 credits)
Impact Evaluation AnalyticsFaculty of Land & Food Systems$1000 Go Global Award
Poland and CroatiaCENS 304 or SLAV 307
(3 credits)
Experiencing Eastern Europe (including Witnessing Auschwitz)Faculty of ArtsArts Research Abroad (50%-100% of program fee covered for qualifying students)
RomaniaAMNE 395 or AMNE 595
(3 credits)
Apulum Roman Villa ProjectFaculty of Arts$1000 Go Global Award
SingaporePLAN 448A
(3 credits)
The ‘Livable City’: A Comparative Exposition
School of Community and Regional Planning$1000 Go Global Award
(Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Honolulu)
(3 credits)
The Heritage of Trans-Pacific Asian MigrationsFaculty of ArtsArts Research Abroad (50%-100% of program fee covered for qualifying students)

*Students who qualify for multiple awards (e.g. Pathfinder and ARA, will get the greater of the two awards).

Seminars closed for application

Course Code
Program Title
Hawaii (Island of Hawai'i)
Reading Week 2025 
ISCI 361 or 461
(3 credits)
Field Course: Systems Approaches to Regional SustainabilityFaculty of Science Go Global Award
CyprusAMNE 395 or 595
(3 credits)
Investigating an Ancient Urban LandscapeFaculty of Arts$1000 Go Global Award
Ecuador CONS 453
(6 credits)
International Conservation and Forest Ecosystem Management Field SchoolFaculty of Forestry$1000 Go Global Award
(Paris and Lyon)
FREN 395
(3 credits)
The French Revolution: History, Myth, and FictionFaculty of ArtsCultural Experience in France Grant (50% - 100% of fees covered for qualifying students)
ARTH 439
(3 credits)
Nineteenth-Century ArtFaculty of ArtsCultural Experience in France Grant (50% - 100% of fees covered for qualifying students)
France (Paris)HIST 390
(3 credits)
Paris, Cradle of ModernityFaculty of ArtsCultural Experience in France Grant (50% - 100% of fees covered for qualifying students)
IcelandISCI 361 or 461
(3 credits)
Systems Approaches to Regional SustainabilityFaculty of Science$1000 Go Global Award
ANTH 403
(3 credits)
Ethnography of Sardinia: Vernacular Religion and Cultural HeritageFaculty of ArtsArts Research Abroad (50%-100% of program fee covered for qualifying students)
(3 credits)
Applied Nepali and Indigenous EnvironmentalismFaculty of ArtsArts Research Abroad (50%-100% of program fee covered for qualifying students)
FIPR 469 or CINE 434
(3 credits)
Studies in Film at FEST Film FestivalFaculty of ArtsArts Research Abroad (50%-100% of program fee covered for qualifying students)
South AfricaCONS 454
(6 credits)
Communities, Wildlife, and Conservation in Post-Apartheid South AfricaFaculty of Forestry$1000 Go Global Award
ARCL 306
(6 credits)
Alaska Indigenous ArchaeologyFaculty of ArtsArts Research Abroad (50%-100% of program fee covered for qualifying students)


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