The International Research Experience Program (IREP) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt offers hands-on experience in cutting-edge research projects in many departments. TU Darmstadt is ranked No. 1 in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and has an excellent reputation in Social Sciences, Architecture, Natural Sciences, Civil Engineering and the Humanities.
Students can apply to an ongoing project or propose a project. Faculty and academic staff in the hosting departments supervise students and offer ongoing support.
Research areas
- Engineering
- Social Sciences
- Humanities
- Information Technology
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Natural Sciences
- Mathmatics
Eligibility requirements
General Research Abroad eligibility
- You must have at least a 70% average in your most recent academic term of full-time studies prior to application. We are looking at your Term 1 (Fall term) grades for summer research abroad experiences
- You should have full-time student status as defined by your faculty in the year prior to your research abroad experience
- You need to be a UBC student in good standing (e.g., not be under academic or non-academic discipline)
- You must maintain a 70% average prior to your exchange departure
Program-specific eligibility
- UBC undergraduate or graduate students from any faculty are eligible to apply
- Undergraduate students must have completed 3 years of study
- Have an academic average between 73% - 80%
- Meet any additional lab project requirements as outlined on the program website
If you are considering applying for a Go Global program and you identify as having a disability or pre-existing health condition, you are encouraged to discuss any disability-related barriers with The Centre for Accessibility to enhance your full participation in the program.
The Centre for Accessibility (Vancouver)
Disability Resource Centre (Okanagan)
Transfer credit
UBC does not recognize credit for Research Abroad programs and does not grant transfer credit for these experiences. If a partner university offers credit for your Research Abroad program, save the transcript or certificate of completion for your future records.
How to apply
After you submit your application to Go Global, you will be contacted by the advisor with instructions on the next steps for applying directly to your program(s) of choice.
Go Global Application deadline
Program costs and fees
In addition to paying the Go Global fee following the Go Global deadline, students are responsible for the cost of travel and living associated with participating in this program, including travel, living expenses, and a local program fee if applicable. For more information on the Darmstadt program costs, please check out this page.
Housing is arranged through TU Darmstadt and is typically off-campus. Students are expected to pay for housing during the program.
Funding for Research Abroad
Go Global Research Abroad Award
$1,000 per research experience
Eligibility requirements
All students accepted into a research abroad program, through Go Global, will be considered for this award. A separate application is not required. If you meet the eligibility criteria, then you will be notified of your award near the start of the summer term.
To be eligible for the award, you must have an average of at least 70% on your best 24 credits in the Winter Session of the previous year (with no failed or incomplete courses).
If you were on a co-op work term, you must have at least 70% on your best 12 credits in the other term.
You will be automatically considered for the award, so you will not need to apply separately.
Partner university funding
For students accepted into the program, it is possible to receive the Scholarship of Excellence. This scholarship covers the total program fee. By handing in the online application you automatically apply for the scholarship as well. The awarding of scholarships is based on outstanding academic performance. The number of scholarships awarded depends on the number of applicants and will be published after all applications have been received.
Go Global fee and withdrawal policy
The Go Global Fee ($415.00 CDN) is an administrative fee required for all applicants to Go Global programs. The fee is non-refundable. However, it may be adjusted under the following circumstances.
If you are not matched to a partner university
You are eligible to have your Go Global fee adjusted from $415.00 to $93.25 (reduced by $321.75) if:
- You have applied to Go Global but do not meet our minimum eligibility requirements
- Go Global cannot match you to a partner university
- The partner university does not accept your application and Go Global cannot find another option
If you withdraw from Go Global
To withdraw from your Go Global exchange, research or summer abroad program, you must contact Go Global by email to request withdrawal. You will then be asked to complete a short withdrawal form.
Students who withdraw from Go Global by the relevant deadline below, will have their Go Global fee adjusted from $415.00 to $321.75 (reduced by $93.25).
- March 30: For summer and research programs
- June 30: For UBC Winter Term 1 and Full-Year exchange
- September 30: For UBC Winter Term 2 and Split-Year exchange
If you have questions, please connect with your Go Global advisor or contact Go Global here
Pre-Departure policy
UBC is committed to preparing students for safe and successful international experiences. In order to achieve this, any student participating in a Go Global Program must complete the following:
- All UBC Student Safety Abroad requirements
- Go Global Program-specific pre-departure requirements
Failure to successfully complete these and any other requirements may result in withdrawal from the Go Global Program.
Contact Go Global
In-person and Virtual Drop-in advising hours
If you need to book an advising appointment, please complete the online request form. Appointments will be held through Zoom or by phone, and can be scheduled between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm PT from Monday to Friday.
If you require an appointment outside of these hours, contact Go Global and they will do their best to accommodate. Appointments outside of regular hours can only be accommodated virtually.
- Tuesday: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
- Wednesday: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Go Global offers both in-person and virtual drop-in advising through Zoom during the times listed above.